When it comes to building or updating your office building, laboratory, or workshop, it’s important to take the time to invest time and energy into finding a commercial drywall company that can provide the ideal outcome for your space and budget. From designers to drywall finishers, each professional you hire will affect the long-term results of your building, impacting the enjoyment and daily benefits that quality planning can provide. AZ Drywall Finishing is proud to be your team of drywall contractors out of Chicago, delivering amazing outcomes for our Illinois clients since 1999. With years of experience and stringent training standards, our drywall installation experts are here and ready to provide the best customer service in addition to our top-notch results.

While it may not seem like the most complicated trade, installing drywall requires a lot of experience and know-how to create an ideal outcome. Today, we’ll highlight a few commercial drywall considerations to provide some insight into the level of accuracy required for the best results. If you have a project coming up and need a drywall company that can work with your needs and budget, be sure to reach out to our drywall contractors for a quote!


Natural lighting is highly preferred nationwide, but it’s important to consider the complications that stem from issues with reflective lighting. Outside sources can create unsightly washes of light that highlight every minor imperfection remaining from the finishing process. Bodies of water such as nearby ponds and lakes can be the biggest culprit in washing out your walls. It’s important to hire commercial drywallers that have the skills needed to mud and sand problem areas precisely to create clean, uniform surfaces that look great no matter how much reflective light is present.


⅝-inch wallboard is often the top choice in a variety of residential and commercial applications. Anyone installing drywall will quickly learn that the lighter weight of 1/2-inch boards is not worth the tradeoff in framing convenience that comes with a thicker, sturdier product. Five-eighths of an inch is thick enough to create more uniform surfaces, avoiding the extra work needed when framing issues start to become apparent. These repairs often come after other installations such as the lighting are done, creating more logistical challenges in addition to financial setbacks.


The adage “measure twice, cut once” is certainly relevant when it comes to checking the flatness and alignment of your ceilings and walls when used in coordination with cabinets. Failing to perfectly set your surfaces will result in uneven edges that are now even more noticeable. When in doubt, always be sure to check and check again! Areas that do not have cabinets will also need to be checked to see how level and plumb everything is before continuing on.


In some areas, your business may require extra reinforcement to keep the walls looking clean and intact for the long haul. Certain areas in your building may need extra protection, including areas with a lot of foot traffic or rooms that just need more support from impacts. Drywall companies often utilize medium-density overlay (MDO) panels to provide added protection from damages, water, weather, and wear and tear. MDOs consist of resin combined with plywood to create a product that is stronger than traditional sheetrock and can be used seamlessly in conjunction with your drywall installation. Our commercial drywall company can work with you to identify high-risk areas that can benefit from added protection.


One issue that many drywall contractors run into during their early days of work is failing to properly mark the location of their studs while installing drywall. When you try to place your screws to secure each panel, it’s essential to secure each screw into the wood or metal framing for a secure finish. Failing to mark or measure each stud can result in missed tries and more time spent fixing aesthetic issues.


The process of taping drywall can be very time consuming, especially when you are trying to smooth over an array of unsightly butt joints. A successful drywall installation relies on utilizing the largest continuous pieces of wallboard possible to minimize the total number of joints left at the end. By planning ahead and accomplishing this, you can save your team from hours of tedious labor. Our commercial drywall contractors utilize the best techniques and technology to create accurate, efficient results for your project, minimizing your downtime and saving you on the costs of additional labor.

The drywall industry is full of tips and tricks that can help create better outcomes for installers of all skill levels. If you’re in need of a commercial drywall company for your company’s construction or improvements, AZ Drywall Finishing is here to help. For nearly 20 years, our drywall contractors in Chicago have worked to deliver the best results and the best customer experience possible. Contact us today to learn more about our drywall services!

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